Payment FAQ’s

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Send us a message, and we’ll sort it out for you!

Where can I find your privacy policy?

You can find our privacy policy by clicking the link in the bottom left corner of this page. 

You can find our terms of service by clicking the link in the bottom left corner of this page. 

We require:

  • Proof of purchase – This should include the event details, price paid, and your full name (essentially, your receipt). We can guide you on how to find it.
  • ID verification – To confirm you’re the original purchaser.

Privacy matters! You can cover any sensitive information—we just need to match the name on your ID to the proof of purchase.

By selling us your tickets, you agree that:

  • You are the original purchaser of the tickets.
  • The tickets will not be reprinted, reissued, or used under any circumstances.
  • If the event is canceled (not postponed), you will refund the amount we paid you since you’ll receive a refund from the primary ticketing site.

These terms help ensure a fair and secure process for everyone!

Failing to follow our agreement may result in fees up to 300% of the purchase price or the total cost incurred by Ticket Closers to fix the issue.

But don’t worry! This is a last resort. If you think there’s an issue—like a delayed ticket or a shipping problem—reach out to us ASAP! We’ll do our best to resolve it and avoid any fees. That’s always the goal! 

  • Credit Card – This is required in case of undelivered or invalid tickets. We do not charge for our service—the only charge you’ll see is $0.01 to verify your card. 
  • Photo ID – This helps us validate your tickets and confirm you are the original purchaser. Unfortunately, there are tricky people online, and this step ensures a smooth experience for the next fan who buys your ticket. 

These measures help keep the process safe and secure for everyone!